A New Start - Why I run
So this is my first blog...I guess it should be inspirational in some way. I started this to help keep me accountable with my running. So, why do I run anyway?
My uncle died at the age of 55 last December. My family (especially my dad) have taken the shock pretty hard. My mom has many medical problems related to arthritis, osteoporosis and years of smoking. She stopped smoking, I am so proud of her! My dad had a kidney transplant 15 years ago. Since then he has developed diabetes. His kidney is failing again...I am guessing from the diabetes and high blood pressure. Most of my family (including me) struggle with keeping their weight under control. I guess what I am saying is that I don't have good genes medically speaking. I need to do all I can to help fight off the illnesses that are going to try to ruin my life as I age.
I don't want to end up like my uncle. I love my family enough to try to change the bad luck. I want what they have had to go through to make an impact. And hopefully if it makes an impact on me, it will also impact the life of those around me. I want my husband and girls (what better reason can there be) to have a good example. And I want my girls to think of exercise as fun and a natural part of life. So I run...to lose weight; to fight stress; to keep my joints working properly; to lower my blood pressure; to reduce my risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, osteoporosis; to feel better about myself; to show others if I can do it then so can they; to not go down without a fight; and to show my girls that they can be strong, beautiful, and healthy.
So on December 31st of 2006 I took my first very slow steps (literally) towards being a runner after at least a decade of only moving when I had to. I am SLOW. I am not a natural born runner. It has taken time to even get to the point where I was really running instead of just walking. But now, I have found, that I love running. I love the way it makes me feel. I love that I am doing something hard that I never thought I would. I love taking my dog for runs and wearing him out. I love running with my girls in their stroller. I love the other runners I have met. I love that I have run in my first 5k race (3.1miles) and was able to run the whole way faster than I ever had before. I love that 3 miles now seems like a easy run and the miles seem shorter now. I love that I have run enough miles to need a new pair of shoes. Have I motivated anyone yet? I hope so. Like I said if I can , so can you!
And finally, I wouldn't be running if it weren't for my very good friend, Maria. She can kick my ass any day and yet she still chooses to run with me and have an easy day while I am having a hard one. She has kept me motivated and encouraged me when I didn't want to get out the door. She has also kept me from doing too much at once so that I don't injure myself and I can keep running. Most of all she has shown me that a 30 something woman can challenge herself and be a real athlete. Thanks Maria!
Posted in: on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at at 4:28 PM
Go you! I'm glad to hear of your latest embarkation into the land of fleet feet... You should share some tips with me! Over the past year or so I have discovered a love of running as well. Can't wait to read more. Good for you!
Great job MAria on gettign you motivated & I'm inspired all over again, reading your first blog entry.
I've read a ton of books, COurage to Start is my fav----but I love hearing others story's or maybe its the reasons they choose to run.
I'm not a natural athlete, at all. BUT I have the potential to be well, a better me!!!
Great job!!!
I joined Running Fits "Running 101" class Aug 26th. :)