Running Family?

Maybe we will get there one day. Maybe we will be one of those active families. I don't ever expect to be a thin family, but maybe, just maybe my plan is going to work. David is starting to get out and walk/run more frequently. And Grace is showing quite a bit of interest herself. We have started logging her miles for the Martian Kids Marathon that will finish in April of next year.

Yesterday I went with Grace and bought her some new shoes. Talk about a bad mom, I felt horrible after we got them. I realized that she has been wearing shoes that are too small for her and are falling apart while running. But now armed with her pretty pink running shoes she is all set. So far she has logged 2 miles...only 23 more to go before the big day. She does seem to be having a good time. I don't want to push her. I want her to want to do this on her own. And if she doesn't end up liking it, at least she tried.

Grace was so darn cute running yesterday. And, Rachel was not about to sit in that stroller while her sister ran. Grace would run up ahead of us, wait for us, and then her and Rachel would hug each other when we caught up. At the end I had Grace running short distances like she was sprinting in a race. She really loved it. And I think Rachel did somewhere between 1/2 mile and 3/4.

So I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but maybe we will be a family of runners. I will just be happy if my kids are active and healthy!

Total Miles Yesterday = 3 (one with Grace) Approximate Miles Since Beginning = 523


  1. That sounds sooooo cute!Grace & Rachel are thier own cheerleaders !It's always more fun running with a friend. As far as "getting there"...I think you are there! Look how much weight you've lost already, and if nothing else, you are showing your family BY EXAMPLE !!!! Remember to keep a running log for the girls so they can get a stuffed alien when they've logged 10 miles.---Maria